What is NSRS?

A standard with the small ones in mind

The NSRS is developed with the smaller companies in mind, but comparable with established international standards. The complex transformation from a linear to a circular economy is an important element addressed in the standard. The standard will be used by professional accountants to help their clients to measure their circularity and document this in their sustainability reports. Why is a standard crucial for the transition to a circular and green economy, you might wonder? Read more about that and other related topics in the background section.
View Background
The NSRS Ecossytem


Europe has the highest density of SMEs with 99% of the businesses classified as a SME.


In Europe, during 2012-2017, SMEs accounted for 85% of new employment.


SMEs account for 60-70% of industrial pollution
in Europe .


NSRS is a new and simplified sustainability reporting standard for SME’s in the Nordics. The standard has been developed by finding and exploring the cross-section between a synthesis of existing standards, the user needs and the reality of the greater context such as the regulative landscape and industry specific challenges. Furthermore, the aim is to develop a business case for utilising the standard – for accountants in the Nordics alongside SME’s. Moreover, we intend to invite stakeholders from public and private sector in a multistakeholder process in order to increase the possibility for successful integration of the standard.

Transparancy and accountability.

NSRS is a tool that suppports SME's in a transparent and accountable sustainability reporting practice.
“We want to accelerate the transition to a circular and green economy through transparency and accountability by empowering SME’s to unlock their own impact potential.”
Hans Christian Ellefsen
Chair of the NSRS board
We will create a standard that makes it easy for the smaller companies to deliver on sustainability. The support from Nordic Innovation enables this comprehensive process we are now diving into.
Member of the NSRS board

Focus Areas

The focus areas for the NSRS can be divided in the following topics: